Do I need to record first aid incidents?
It is good practice to provide your first-aiders and appointed persons with a book in which to record incidents they attend. The information can help you identify accident trends and possible areas for improvement in the control of health and safety risks. It can be used for reference in future first-aid needs assessments. The record book is not the same as the statutory accident book though the two might be combined.
Employers, self-employed people and those in control of premises have a duty to report some accidents and incidents at work under the Reporting of Injuries.
What information should be recorded?
Useful information to record includes:
- The date, time and place of the incident;
- The name and job of the injured or ill person;
- Details of the injury/illness and what first aid was given;
- Details about what happened to the person immediately afterwards (eg went back to work, went home, went to hospital); and the name and signature of the first-aider or person dealing with the incident.
Who is responsible for keeping the records?
It is usually the first-aider or appointed person who looks after the book. However, employers have overall responsibility.